If you have general questions, you can use the e-mail form above.
If you want to contact certain members of the Executive Council or chairmen of the regional branches, please refer to the list below.
Executive Council of the WADP
Professor Nikolaj G. Neznanov, M.D.
Bekhterev Institute
3, ul. Bekhtereva
193019 St. Petersburg (Russia)
Tel. 007-812-5675406
Fax 007-812-5677127
E-mail annavdoc@yahoo.com
Vice Presidents
Professor Dr. Ezio Benelli Prof. Ph.D.
Presidente dell’ International Foundation Erich Fromm
Via Giotto 49
59100 Prato Italy
E-mail ezio.benelli@gmail.com
Professor Michel Botbol, M.D.
University of Western Brittany
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department
3 Rue des Archives
29238 Brest (France)
E-mail botbolmichel@orange.fr
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Andrzej Cechnicki (Poland)
Jagiellonian University
Department of Psychiatry
Head of Department of Community Psychiatry
24 Gołębia Street
31-007 Kraków (Poland)
E-mail acechnicki@interia.pl
General Secretary
Professor Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Dipl.-Psych., Maria Ammon
Training and Research Institute of German Academy for Psychoanalysis (DAP)
Berliner Lehr- und Forschungsinstitut der DAP
Kantstraße 120/121
D-10625 Berlin (Germany)
Tel. 0049-30-3132893
Fax 0049-30-3136959
E-mail dapberlin@t-online.de
Professor Samuel Tyano, M.D.
Emeritus of Psychiatry Tel Aviv University
POB 65352
Tel Aviv 61653 (Israel)
E-mail styano@post.tau.ac.il
Public Relations
Professor Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. Dipl.-Psych., Ilse Burbiel
Goethestrasse 54
80336 Munich (Germany)
E-mail info@psychoanalysebayern.de
Treasurer and Legal Adviser
Thomas Hessel, Lawyer (Germany)
Goethestrasse 54
80336 Munich (Germany)
E-mail info@psychoanalysebayern.de
Chairmen of the Regional Branches
Silvia Melamedoff, Ph.D.
Asociación de Medicina Psicosocial Argentina (AMEPSA)
Sanchez de Bustamante 995 1ro.
Buenos Aires
E-mail silmel@silmel.com.ar
Professor Guo Sheng-Chang, M.D.
Guangdong 999 Brain Hospital
No. 578. Shatai South Road
Postcode 510510
E-mail guoshch369@126.com
Professor Michel Botbol, M.D.
University of Western Brittany
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department
3 Rue des Archives
29238 Brest
E-mail botbolmichel@orange.fr
Professor Ilse Burbiel, Ph.D.
Goethestrasse 54
80336 Munich (Germany)
E-mail info@psychoanalysebayern.de
Great Britain
Ronald Doctor, M.D.
59 Oakley Square
London NW1 1NJ
E-mail r.doctor@rondoc.co.uk
János Fehér, Ph.D.
Málinka str. 38
1182 Budapest
E-mail feherdr@t-online.hu
Professor Roy Abraham Kallivayalil
Head of Department of Psychiatry
Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
Thiruvalla, Kerala 689101
E-mail roykalli@gmail.com
Petrin Redayani Lukman, M.D.
Psychotherapy Division
Department of Psychiatry
Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Indonesia
Cipto Mangunkusumo National Referral Hospital
E-mail ptrn1010@yahoo.com
Mohammad San’ati. MD. FRCPsych
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Head, Unit for Dynamic Psychotherapy and Human Studies
Roozbeh Hospital
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
E-mail mohammad.sanati@gmail.com
Juan Bar-el, Ph.D.
Suroka Street
Haifa 34759
E-mail drbarel@yahoo.com
Professor Ezio Benelli, Ph.D.
International Foundation Erich Fromm
Via Giotto, 49
59100 Prato
E-mail ezio.benelli@gmail.com
Hachem Tyal, M.D.
Clinique Villa des Lilas – Projet Casa Anfa
Angle Rue Anfa Clubs et Rue des plateformes 1
Casablanca 20000
E-mail hachem.tyal@gmail.com
Michal Mielimąka, M.D.
Jagiellonian University Medical College
Świętej Anny 12
31-008 Kraków
E-mail michal.mielimaka@uj.edu.pl
Professor Anna Vasilyeva, Ph.D.
St. Petersburg Bekhterev Psychoneurological Research Institute
Ul. Bekhtereva 3
192019 St. Petersburg
E-mail annavdoc@yahoo.com
Professor Bernhard Stritih, Dipl.-Psych.
Glinskova Ploscad 8
1000 Ljubljana
Professor Peykan Gökalp
Sezai Selek Sk. No:14
34365 Şişli/İstanbul
E-mail gokalppeykan@gmail.com
Professor César Alfonso
251 Central Park West
New York, NY 10024
E-mail cesaralfonso@mac.com