Berlin School of Dynamic Psychiatry in Theory and Therapy
Founder Professor Dr. Guenter Ammon (1918–1995)
Dynamic Psychiatry aims to proceed towards a genuine group-dynamic understanding of illness and group related principles of life and tries to formulate a unitary understanding of illness. Accordingly its objectives are:
- Development of an identity-structure model, and the conception of a gliding spectrum of mental illness.
- Elaboration and definition of the term ‘social energy’ and groups as a ‘social energy field’.
- Development of a holistic view of humans and recognition of their multi-dimensionality in the realization of their lives. A holistic understanding of illness that will close the gap between psychiatry and psychoanalysis.
- Developing a spectrum of in- and out-patient therapies with individual, group, milieu therapy and methods of non-verbal creative therapy.
- Prevention of illness through psychoanalytical education.
- Creation of further organizational structures, domains for therapy, research and further education like institutes, milieu therapy, conferences/seminars, dynamic psychiatry hospitals and therapeutic residential communities. The idea being that by working with each other they would be able to provide a unique treatment chain.
Organizing congresses and publications—predominantly in the journal of Dynamic Psychiatry on books by Professor Guenter Ammon and his colleagues for national and international scientific exchange of research results
Activities of Dynamic Psychiatry’s Institutions and Therapeutic Centers
The various activities of dynamic psychiatry are pursued with dedication by the Berlin School for Research and Teaching, the Institute, the Conference and Treatment Centers, Milieu Therapy Centers, Hospital Menterschwaige and the Therapeutic Residential Communities.These are inspired by a positive attitude to life and an interest in ‘human beings’ and in ‘being human’ as a whole (including human suffering). For meeting its objectives, the platform of Dynamic Psychiatry tries to:
- Provide space for individual development
- Conduct animated group dynamic and therapeutic events
- Create opportunities for interpersonal encounters and exchange, integrating reflection and discussion based on a different training and treatment concept.
About the Organisation
The present aims and objectives of WADP are to:
- Integrate Dynamic Psychiatric work in Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Group Dynamics in psychiatric hospitals or in ambulatory treatment.
WADP’s activities in the area of reinstating mental health:
- Prophylactic work with children and parents ambulatory psychoanalytic, psychiatric, psychotherapeutic inpatient dynamic psychiatric treatment and after-care.
- Close cooperation with Deutsche Akademie für Psychoanalyse/German Academy for Psychoanalysis enables teaching and training in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and group dynamics as well as organizing world congresses.
Membership application:
- Membership is open to persons of all professions.
- Colleagues and professionals interested in psychoanalysis, psychiatry, psychotherapy; social workers, nurses, nursery workers are also welcome to join.
- Moreover, psychologists, and interested university faculty as well as people from various disciplines are very welcome, too.
- Non-verbal therapists in art, music, dance etc. are encouraged to join and contribute to the work of Dynamic Psychiatry.
To create and set up projects, e.g. to set up up Dynamic Psychiatric hospital activities such as
- Dynamic Psychiatric departments in greater hospitals teaching and training: Possibility to do some training in Germany at the Dynamic Psychiatric Hospital Menterschwaige and at the institutes of DAP in Berlin and Munich, Germany.