Affiliated member of the WPA – World Psychiatric Association

Congress 2024

16.04.-20.04.2024 in Marrakech, Morocco

The venue of our 2024 congress is the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy in Marrakech.

Download our congress programme, updated on the 9th of April.

Download Second Announcement as PDF

20th World Congress of WADP, the XXXIIIrd International Symposium of the German Academy for Psychoanalysis (DAP) e. V.

Organized by and in cooperation with MADP, the Moroccan Association of Dynamic Psychiatry
Co-sponsored meeting of the WPA

Co-sponsered by
WPA, WASP, WFMH, DGG, ICPCM, WFP, ALFAPSY, FMF, Ambassade de France au Maroc


Social challenges – shared Responsibility 
in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy


Marrakech | Morocco