Affiliated member of the WPA – World Psychiatric Association

Look forward to the upcoming WADP Congress 2024

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming congress in Marrakech|Morocco from the 16.04.-20.04.2024. For information and registration as a lecturer and/or participant please download the following congress-application or send us an email.


Review of the last Congress

The 18th World congress of the World Association for Dynamic Psychiatry (WADP), an affiliated WPA member, “Creative Processes in Psychotherapy and Psychiatry” was held in Florence, Italy from the 19 to 22 April 2017. The […]


Guenter Ammon Award

Picture above: The Executive Council of the WADP honored Dmitry Mikhaylovich Saraykin for his scientific work “Motivation as characteristic of social energy” with the Günther Ammon Award 2007.   The criteria for the Günter Ammon […]