- Architecture: Psychoanalytic Insights on the Aesthetics of Living Spaces and Social Responsibility
- Democracies in Crisis – How Can We Defend the Democratic Idea?
- Fatherhood in India and Asia: Roles, Challenges, Mental well-being and Future Perspectives
- Loneliness Amplified by the Three Megatrends of Urbanization, Mediatization, and Individualization Causes Pain, Contagion, and Death
- Religion and Philosophy: Towards a New Encounter between Belief and Theory
- Transcultural Aspects in Psychotherapy. The Experience of Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
- The Importance of Peaceability and Identity in Times of Social Challenges
- Losing Touch with Reality: What Follows if We Shift Ourselves to Virtual Worlds?
- Beyond the Talking Cure Principle: The Individual Psychoanalytic Psychodrama as Therapeutic Paradigm for Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry
- Tribalism, Group Formation, and Evolution
- The Acknowledgement of Suffering as a Precondition for Reconciliation
- Aspects of not felt anxiety
- Facing the Challenges – Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Times of Ecological Crises
- 45 years of Menterschwaige Clinic, a dynamic psychiatric development space
- Ethical dilemmas related to transsexualism in childhood and adolescence
- Mental Health and Well-being: Whole Person, Total Health and Total Care
- Past, Present and Future of the Maghrebian Psychiatry
- Psychotherapeutic Work between Insult and Connectedness – Reflections on a Challenging Interpersonal Event
- The Dynamic-Psychiatric Concept of Aggression
- The new Approaches to Mental Disorders Treatment – Professionals’ and Patients’ Shared Responsibility
- What Is Called Therapy? Towards a Unifying Theory of Therapy Based on the Event