Moroccon Association of
Dynamic Psychiatry
The association MADP was incorporated in August 2020 and has been in operation since then.
Dr. Hachem Tyal
Its purpose is as follows
- The development of strategic thinking and research pertaining to all aspects of
psycho-dynamically oriented psychiatry. - The development of ongoing education in psychodynamic psychiatry to be based in purposely specialized established schools.
- To work on introducing the psychodynamic approach in the psychiatry university courses, in particular regarding the therapeutic methods and the standards of universities, that specializes in teaching psychiatry and child psychiatry.
- To work for the inclusion of the psychodynamic approach in international or national recommendations concerning the management of mental disorders.
- To establish links with national and / or international associations, and psychiatry and child psychiatry-oriented schools as well.
- To introduce the psychodynamic approach in field studies on mental health.
The Association’s ambition is to give psychopathology its rightful place in the care of the mentally ill. This psychodynamic approach allows the Association leaders to give its true place to the “subject” in patients’ accompaniment.
Their wish is, to work in close collaboration with associations of psychiatrists, child psychiatrists, users of psychiatry, parents of mentally ill people, as well as with all associations of psychologists, sociologists, psychoanalysts, philosophers, national, regional and international associations.
The association has already launched its first symposium “Psychoanalysis at the intersection of disciplines” in Oujda on March 11 and 12, 2021 and proposes to reiterate at least twice every 3 years of mandate, the same experience in different cities of the kingdom of Morocco.
The next symposium “Psychoanalysis at the intersection of disciplines” will be held in Fez on Friday, May 5th and Saturday May 6th, 2023, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Fez and the Department of Psychiatry of the University Hospital of the same city.
The chosen thematic is “Violence-aggression-destructiveness”.
The MADP has also launched a cycle of conferences focused on psychopathology every two months in collaboration with the psychiatric clinic “Villa des Lilas” in Casablanca and is in discussion with medical faculties to introduce modules of psychopathology and psychodynamic psychiatry in students’ curriculum at these universities.
It is also trying to systematically introduce round tables in Moroccan psychiatry congresses. The next one will take place during the congress of public health psychiatrists and will be entitled “Psychopathology of the aging elderly”.