Michał Mielimąka
MD, PhD, psychiatrist
affiliation: Department of Psychotherapy
Jagiellonian University Medical College
ul. Lenartowicza L4,
31-138 Krakow, Poland
Education and emplovment
- 2OO7 – present
Department of Psychotherapy
Jagiellonian University Medical College
and University Hospital in Krakow
Krakow, Poland
psychiatrist, research assistant - 2OO7 – present
Chair of Psychotherapy
The Centre for Victims of Political Persecution (CVPP)
University Hospital in Krakow
psychiatrist - 2012
Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine
Dissertation: Social support of patients undergoing group psychotherapy
treatment of neurotic and personality disorders. - 2OO7 – 2012
Postgraduate education in psychiatry
Clinical Department of Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Jagiel lonia
University Med ica I College Hospital
Krakow, Poland - 2OO7 – 2011
Postgraduate education in psychotherapy
Department of Psychotherapy
Jagiellonian University Medical College
Krakow, Poland - 2000
Medical Doctor degree
Jagiellonian University
Medical College
Clinical and research activities:
Author and co-author of over 30 publications and over 70 conference
presentations in the field of psychiatry and psychotherapy.
Research interests include:
psychotherapy, social support, neurotic and personality disorders, application of
the guided imagery, relaxation and suggestion in medicine, post-traumatic stress
disorder, rehabilitation of victims of political persecutions, the process of change
in psychotherapy, hypnosis, suggestibility.
- Chair of the Clinical Hypnosis Board of the Polish Psychiatric Association
- Chair of the Malopolska Regional Branch of the Polish Psychiatric Association
- Coordinator for Poland of the Society for Psychotherapy Research
- Chairman of the RegionalBranch of WADP in Poland
- Member of the International Society for Psychotherapy Research
- Memberof the board of editorsof journals: Psychotherapyand Polish Psychiatry
- Member of the Polish Psychiatric Association and Section of Psychotherapy
of the Polish Psychiatric Association - Chair of the local organizing committee of the
Joint UK and European Society
for Psychotherapy Research Meeting, Krakow 19-21 September 2019 - Member of the program committee of the 49th Society for Psychotherapy
Research Conference - Chair of the local organizing committee of the 5th SPR-EU Methods Workshop for
Psychoanalyse and Polish Psychiatric Association conference:
Concepts of dynamic psychiatry – inspirations for innovative treatment of mental
Selected publications
- Mielimqka M, Ogrodniczuk
JS, Kealy D, Cheek J, Joyce AS: Narcissism
and Interpersonal
Problems among Psychiatric Outpatients: What ls the Role of Defensive Style? J. Nerv. Ment.
Dis. 2018, (20o1 9:7 - Mielimqka M, Rutkowski
K, Cyranka K, SobadskiJA, Dembifiska E,
Muldner Nieckowski t: Lqk
cecha i lqk stan u pacjentow leczonych intensywnq, krotkoterminowq psychoterapiq grupowE
z powodu zaburzefi nerwicowych i osobowo3ci. [Trait and state anxiety in patients treated
with intensive short-term group psychotherapy for neurotic and personality disorders.]
Psychiatr. Pol. 2OI7, (51) o:11o5 1179.Michal Mielimaka MD, PhD - Mielimqka M, Rutkowski
K, Cyranka K, SobadskiJA,
Mi.ildner Nieckowskit, Dembifiska
Smiatek Mazgaj B, Klasa K: SkutecznoSi intensywnej psychoterapiigrupowej stosowanejw
leczeniu zaburzeo nerwicowych i osobowoSci. IEffectiveness of intensive group
psychotherapy in treatment of neurotic and personality disorders.l Psychiatr. Pol. 2015,
49:29 48. - techniki hipnozy w leczeniu zaburzef psychicznych.
[The Application of Hypnosis in the Treatment of Mental Disorders.] Psychiatria po Dyplomie.
Mielimqka M, Cyranka
2OL5, - t2 (o):10
K: Zastosowanie
Mielimqka M, Cyranka
K: The use
of medical tools in the assessment of changes in the
process of therapy. Dynamische Psychiatrie. 2Ot5,48 (13):9a 102.
o. Mielimqka M, Murzyn A: Hypnosis in the treatment of pain. Psychoonkologia. 207L,I:Lo 24. - Mielimqka M: Ekonomia spoleczna dla osob chorujqcych psychicznie. [Social economy in
service of patients diagnosed with a mental disorder.l W: Flak M, Szybala Pelak D. (Ed.) Ruda
Slqska: Mewa Druk, 2011.
Mielimaka M, Cyranka K: Letterto Editor: Possession unraveled. Psychiatr. Po|.201o;50(1):
289 292.
Mielimqka M, Paluch M, Kapusta
Ro2nice dotyczqce wpfywu sugestiianalgezji na
prze2ywanie bolu w stanie relaksacji i w stanie hipnozy. [Differences in the susceptibility to
analgesic suggestions in the state of relaxation and hypnosis.l Psychoter. 2005, (134) 3:33
Krakow, 3’d of May 2019